Integrative Naturopathic Medicine

This little nature’s wonder?

This little nature’s wonder?


This little nature’s wonder? – did you know?w has has more potassium than a banana ? also With Heart-Healthy Monounsaturated Fatty Acids, great source of vitamin e, fiber and can Lower Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels! So next time you are at the shopping aisle and wondering if the additional cost is worth it – trust me it’s is totally worth it!♥️
#Everydaychoices #chooseright
#lovemymunchkins #lifeofworkingmother#balance #holisticmedicine #naturopathy#naturopathshwetapandey#integrativeNaturopathicMedicine
#allaboutmindset #beinggrateful #newbeginings#naturopathy #diseasefree#naturopathshwetapandey #integrativenaturopathicmedicine #shwetapandey

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