Integrative Naturopathic Medicine

About Shweta

A naturopath, artist, mother of two beautiful children, and an unshakable optimist dedicated to helping everyone willing to access their inner vitality, exuberant health, and well-being!


Life for me was a consistent and ambitious run for advancement in the corporate sector where I worked for sixteen years, specialising in human resources, for many well-known multinationals, and across multiple iconic brands.
My perspective changed however when I witnessed a dear family member struggle with and succumb to a terminal illness and how little I was able to assist.
I realised that to live a more purposeful life, I need to go after my dreams which is, to put all my creativity out in the world and make my contribution no matter how big or small.
I quit my job in the corporate sector thus giving away the security of a 9-5 job and pursued my love and passion for alternative medicine and finding a holistic approach to the treatment of illnesses.

My Qualifications:

Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy) (BHSc (Nat), Advanced Diploma in Naturopathy (Adv.dip (Nat)), Masters in Business Administration, HR & Marketing (MBA)


Accredited member of Australian Natural Therapists Association (ANTA)

– Therapeutic Goods Advertising Certificate Exemption (TGA)
– Listed on the Complementary Medicine Practitioner Association (CMPA)
– Australian National Register of Accredited Natural Therapists (anrant)

“How deeply you touch another life is how rich your life is.”

As a qualified Naturopath accredited by Australian Natural Therapists Association (ANTA). I am passionate about finding and applying support mechanisms necessary for everyone who is willing to access their inner vitality, exuberance, and good health, with the help of Herbal Medicine, Clinical Nutritional Medicine, Nutrition, Diet & Lifestyle, Homeopathy, Flower Essences, and Iridology.

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